
Saturday, June 11, 2011

this past sunday i went up to fairfax to visit caileigh. it was a semi-impromptu visit- i decided i was going the wednesday before. it was fun- we didnt do much (sorry i was kind of boring) but we layed by the pool, did a little shopping, made tortellini. it was refreshing. ferguson her cat is a little brat but he reminds me of sunny gump and i love that. (sunny gump was my cat for 5 years and were not sure what happened to him, he disappeared during a storm one saturday) we watched movies every night and painted our nails and made brownies. oh so girly- we watched under the tuscan sun the last night. and it is now our favorite movie. i would like to own it one day because i can tell its a sick day movie. its funny because this is what caileigh and my summers looked like throughout high school. (i would go visit her and she would visit me too- but mostly my dad drove me there) and we would take the bus to the mall and spend all day there. literally. avoiding mrs. fields cookies because caileigh used to work there and thought they hated her after she quit. getting smoothies. digging through 5 dollar shirt sales. and now when we do that we are tired after an hour. it was funny though. i loved my little visit even if it was "uneventful" although i took my first ikea trip- overwhelming. and we ate lunch there. i got 2 hotdogs, chips, and a drink for $2. what a deal. it was good to go a clear my mind- i was worried about apartment stuff and health care. so it was good to get away- the only thing wedding we did was look for jewelry. a little break never hurts. thanks cail for letting me visit. youre the best friend ever.


  1. Al, you weren't "kind of boring" and your visit definitely wasn't "uneventful"! I had so much fun. It was so nice just hanging around with you. I really don't get the opportunity to do that with you anymore. It couldn't have been any better. I had SO MUCH FUN. I really needed a relaxing girls week and we definitely had that. And it's so funny that you remember the mrs. fields thing! haahah. :)


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