it cold here. josh would beg to differ... he says its perfect outside. i say its freezing. wednesday i sat on the beach with some of my favorite girls and we relaxed... i used spf- no burn for me. (if you know me youd know that i am a HUGE believer in sun protection.... i wrote an entire research paper on it) i love the smell of sunscreen too. and the wind was awful but we made do. the sand between my toes.... the water was freezing, but i still went in (lasted 30 seconds) it was so refreshing.... weve had a long winter here in chesapeake- at least to me. so now its cold today and im angry... but it should turn up again tomorrow.
last night i got a text from one of our leaders- a wyld life girl from gb middle got hit by a car and was in critical condition. then an email later confirmed her death. her name is Kelly Valentine and she was only 13 years old. how do you deal with that? my heart goes out to the family. please pray for them.... i cannot imagine.
i miss kelly...she was never a pain to play with and she loved to go out and have fun!